Calling all 80s kids!
Catherine Le FeuvreShare
We're back, after a bit of a hiatus - ready for our busiest time of year!
Adam celebrated his 'ahem, 'BIG' birthday last weekend. We partied with friends and family, ending up in our garden playing classic tunes into the early hours!
And the cake - complete with a Senna's McLaren MP4/4 and fig rolls (Adam's favourite biscuit). Check out the photos over at @boxboxboxco on Instagram.
So, to anyone out there who's joining the 40s club this year - this one's for you....Adam's been beavering away during the summer, designing something a little bit special.
And because Adam you're on our mailing list we wanted you to be the first to know.
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Drumroll please...
We give you The 1982 Grand Prix Tea Towel
To celebrate all fellow 80s kids and Adam's recent BIG birthday, here we salute the Formula 1 1982 season.
- Hand drawn tracks
- Available in our signature black and yellow design.
- Made with 100% organic cotton.
- Designed, printed and wrapped in Yorkshire.
- Limited edition - only 40 available